Choose Icon Position.
Choose an icon position for this icon feature.
Top Centered
Icon or Character.
Enter a name of icon you would like to use or enter just a single character. Leave empty to exclude. You can find list of icons here:
Icon List
Example: hb-moon-apple-fruit. Example for character: $
Image URL or Media item ID.
Enter a image URL which will be displayed in the icon feature place.
Enter a link for this element. Leave empty if you do not want to use a link. Please use http:// prefix. Example:
Open link in new tab?
Border around icon?
Enter your icon box title. Leave empty to exclude. Example: My Feature
Entrance Animation.
Choose an entrance animation for this element.
Fade In
Scale Up
Right to Left
Left to Right
Top to Bottom
Bottom to Top
Flip X
Flip Y
Entrance Delay.
Enter delay in miliseconds before the animation starts. Useful for creating timed animations. No need to enter ms. Eg: 300 (300 stands for 0.3 seconds)
Extra Class.
Enter additional CSS class. Separate classes with space. Eg: my-class second-class