Background Type.
Select a background type for this element.
Background Color
Background Image
Background Texture
Background Video
Enable Border?
Text Color.
Select a text color style for this element. Use light when your background is dark and opposite.
Dark Text
Light Text
Background Color.
Enter background color in hex format. Example: #336699
Background Image or Texture.
If you have chosen "Background Image" or "Background Texture" for the Background Type, then enter the URL of your image here. Enter the URL with http:// prefix.
Enable Parallax Effect for image?
Optional Scissors Icon?
Background Video MP4.
If you have chosen "Background Video" for the Background Type, then enter the URL of your video in MP4 format here. Enter the URL with http:// prefix.
Background Video OGV.
If you have chosen "Background Video" for the Background Type, then enter the URL of your video in OGV format here. Enter the URL with http:// prefix.
Background Video Poster.
An image that will be used as a placeholder until video is loaded (or cannot be loaded). Enter the URL with http:// prefix.
Video Texture Overlay?
Margin Top.
Enter top margin for this section in pixels. Leave empty for default value. No need to write px. Eg: 40
Margin Bottom.
Enter bottom margin for this row in pixels. Leave empty for default value. No need to write px. Eg: 50
Inside Padding Top.
Enter top padding for this section in pixels. Leave empty for default value. No need to write px. Eg: 50
Inside Padding Bottom.
Enter bottom padding for this row in pixels. Leave empty for default value. No need to write px. Eg: 50
Extra Class.
Enter additional CSS class. Separate classes with space. Eg: my-class second-class
Unique Section ID.
If needed, enter a UNIQUE section id, without whitespaces. This is very important for One Page websites, as this will be used for a navigation.